Jill Valliere; A Day in My Life

Even without the dogs, most days in the studio I am surrounded by mayhem. Paint cans open and dripping, mixing containers piled all over, and me, covered in every color mixed that day. To the outsider it may look like chaos, but it is truly how I am most comfortable, most productive. I can’t be troubled to take the time to put things away, organize paint colors, or wash every brush after each use, no, I am here to paint.

Reverence of Ordinary Things – Alex Dunwoodie

“Beauty is to be found in the small things, the cast-offs, the “ordinary”, and we pick these things up — the bone-colored shells on the beach that stand out against the rocks,” says Dunwoodie. “We put them in our pockets, find a place for them on our shelves and in our lives. They take on a new significance in our domestic spaces, and a life of their own. Some even become talismans, more than decorations, but objects we pick up now and again to appreciate a special quality about them.”

Photographs and Memories – David Witbeck and Fishwife

David thought it would be fun to somehow use the photo in his art and started a painting. “It became too much of a copy of the photograph, so I abandoned it. It still sits unfinished, face against my studio wall.” Luckily for us the photograph continued to poke at his imagination. “I kept looking at the photo. I knew there was something that eventually would come from it.” One morning, months later, he walked into his studio, picked up a piece of charcoal and in an hour or so had a drawing that resulted in one of his most recent woodblock prints, “Fishwife”.