Silvery Summer Light on the Isles of Shoals – Artist Insights from Claire Bigbee

The Isles of Shoals is a group of small, rocky islands in the Gulf of Maine and six miles off Portsmouth, New Hampshire coast.  It is also where Claire Bigbee found inspiration for her summer show.

“Toward the end of my painting for this show, I booked a three-and-a-half-hour day trip and tour to check out the Isles of Shoals with my sister,” shares Bigbee. ” I have lived in Maine since I was twelve and have never been there. So we were both very excited to finally visit.”


As they docked for their hour-long walkabout, the captain gave them a brief rundown of the island, its facilities, and a few suggestions on what to see.

“I was immediately turned on to the vibe at Star Island. I spoke to the personal retreat concierge at the Oceanic Hotel and booked four days and three nights for the following week in hopes of five more paintings for my show,” says Bigbee.

The Oceanic Hotel has a front porch scattered with oversized wooden rocking chairs, with most guests holding books on their laps and relaxing.IMG_0152.jpeg

“Another landscape artist noticed me getting off the steamboat, lugging my plein air painting gear,” explains Bigbee. “I saw a garden cart at the end of the pier and used it during the days of painting around the island.”


“The community of people I met from all over the world was an unexpected surprise. I left with five paintings and a feeling of solitude, nourishment, and peace,” smiles Bigbee.  “I will go back again and again to paint the magic of Star Island and the Shoals. And, of course, watch the breathtaking sunrises and sunsets in a comfy rocking chair.


Want to see the pieces Bigbee created while in this magical part of Maine? Her show runs until August 25. After that, we are open every day from 10 -5. So please come in for a visit. The show is always available virtually if you can’t make it in.

Details for Claire Bigbee’s show follow this link.

To read more about this talented woman, click the link below.

Claire Bigbee

To see our present collection from this artist, click the link below.

Claire Bigbee