Reoccurring Themes – Artist Insights from Ingunn Milla Joergensen

Many artists are well known for specific themes which marked their beginning years. Ingunn Milla Joergensen is not different. Three themes weave in and out of her work and are always present in one way or another in each body of work she creates. For her and her clients, they are classics.


“I always return to structures, barns, and boathouses. I find them utterly beautiful. I need to rest in their uncluttered simplicity,” shares Joergensen. “It never ceases to amaze me how much people relate to these quiet buildings. Each person adds their interpretation.”



“Another returning theme is the nest. They are fascinating constructions on their own, so strong and fragile,” explains Joergensen, “Still, they also awake a feeling of being safe and surrounded. We all need that.”


“I never get tired of these adorable creatures with skinny legs and fluffy wool coats,” Joergensen laughs. “These sheep happily rummaged around in a meadow by an old monastery.” 

Details for Ingunn’s show follow this link.

To read more about this talented woman, click the links below.

Ingunn Milla Joergensen

To see our present collection from this artist, click the links below.

Ingunn Milla Joergensen