6th Annual Choice Art Show – “Dining Alfresco” by William B. Hoyt

Hoyt is a lover of all things Maine, especially the sailboats, and often his imagination and attention are caught by the simple things Maine has to offer. “The setting sun bathed us in light when it dropped below the eaves of the porch. The water sparkled and danced with it,” says Hoyt. “I have to pinch myself when a scene like this unfolds before me. It’s practically sensory overload.”

Blossoming at Maine Art

After last week’s winter storm, we have our fingers crossed that spring is truly on her way. Soon the grass will be green, and the branches on the trees will succumb to that lovely glow of new growth. Once spring has started, she usually rolls right along, which means the flowers are sure to follow. These are our favorite signs of the season here at Maine Art Paintings and Sculpture, and the favorite of many of our artists, as well.

William B. Hoyt – Hawaiian Waves

“We were at a beach on Kauai, and this wave picked me up and just drove me down into the sand. It basically crammed my head into my neck,” he begins to stammer in recollection. “So, I was standing there with stars in my eyes, holding my head, when I hear these twelve year old boys next to me say, ‘Boy did you see that old guy just barreled?'”

William Hoyt on Vermont and Margarite Williams

Every May 11th, we celebrated her birthday, which we have continued to do years after she died. We’ve gathered down at the station decades after she passed away. She had a very nurturing way, and she really listened. She just had a wonderful way of speaking. She had a cat whose name was Tig and geraniums in the windows. It was an endearing scene. We were sort of her ‘lost boys’.”