The First Fisherman – Artist Insights from David Witbeck

“Many people comment on my perspective, the low point of view. To change it up, I try to have a high point of view. We all know eye level can get a little boring. I can make a boring situation look dramatic by going low or high or using a wide angle up close.”

Evolving Into Blue – End of Summer Show with Janis Sanders

“I begin each painting with the sky; to me, the most important element,” says Sanders. “The sky is light. We are immersed in it. It’s the key to determining the entire atmosphere of the painting. Visually and practically, it provides the backdrop for the other objects in view,” says Sanders. “I paint those blue skies, each new and fresh from the gut.”

Patterns and Paintings – Artist Insights from Bethany Harper Williams

“I don’t plan where the patterns will go. They are just an expression of what I’m feeling at the moment. I often leave a painting and come back to it to see it from a different perspective and then add to it,” says Williams. “That’s usually when the fun stuff happens!”

Witbeck Revisited – Artist Insights from David Witbeck

“This year, I revisited some earlier ideas. Iggy, the fisherman in the boat with the larger-than-life fish, and Taking Out, a similar fisherman but with an entire basket of fish, are themes I haven’t done for a few years. So I thought I’d give them another try now that I’m a better painter,” laughs Witbeck.

Exploring – Artist Insights from Ryan Kohler

“As I continue exploring what I can do with acrylics and collage, I’ve expanded my materials to include found papers, posters, maps, flyers, brochures, adverts, birthday cards, fortune cookies, and other found, saved, and collected papers,” shares artist Ryan Kohler. “You name it.”

My Studio’s a Mess – Artist Insights from Ryan Kohler

“The process and results are a bit like palette knife marks, except I have much more control, and if I don’t like the piece I’ve just added to the painting, I simply remove it,” shares Kohler. “I have a window of time before the glue permanently adheres the paper to the canvas, and even if I am beyond that window, I still have the option to continue gluing more paper to cover up any mistakes I’ve made. “

The Peacocks at Snug Harbor – Artist Insights from Claire Bigbee

The peacock is a possessor of some of the most admired human characteristics and symbolizes integrity and the beauty we can achieve when we endeavor to show our true colors. In history, myth, legend, and lore, the peacock symbolism carry portents of nobility, holiness, guidance, protection, and watchfulness. Contemplate the powers of the peacock when you need more vibrancy and vitality in your experience. The peacock can also help you on your spiritual path and breath new life into your walk of faith.

The Paint Does All the Hard Work, and the Paper Gets All the Credit – Artist Insights from Ryan Kohler

Each component added is like a revelation, revealing something that wasn’t as defined as before—the hull of a boat, a bird’s wing, the shadow’s edge.  Sometimes I walk back and forth from my easel after each piece, carefully observing how the painting changes from a distance.